Civil Engineering
Our civil engineers design infrastructure on your building site – elements few see but every project needs. We’re experts in engineering drainage and flood mitigation, septic systems and sewers, utilities, roads – all the systems that your home or buildings require to run smoothly.
Engage Engineering Early
It pays to introduce civil engineering analysis early in your project. You don’t want to get too far down the road on a design, only to find that it’s not feasible on your site. Or that you can’t get a permit. As experienced civil engineers, we often can find creative solutions to your site constraints. You may need to take septic system capacity, stormwater management, or flood compliance into consideration before your architect designs an addition to your home. Our engineers develop cost-effective and efficient solutions, focused on delivering the project you want.
Save Time & Money
We help you accomplish your goals with civil engineering that solves problems early in the project. That saves you time and money.
Civil Engineering Services
Think of civil engineering as the science and art of designing your site’s infrastructure.
The science involves analyzing existing and proposed systems, while the art is developing creative solutions that are also sound engineering.
Redniss & Mead’s licensed professional engineers or P.E.’s, provide a wide range of civil engineering services to individual homeowners and developers.
Civil Engineering Solutions
- Comprehensive Storm Water Management Systems
- Design of Collection, Conveyance, and Mitigation Systems
- Improve Wet Conditions on Your Property
- Recommend Solutions to Protect Your Home
- Analyze Water Flow on Your Property
- Wetlands Analysis and Restoration Solutions
- Solutions to Flooding Problems
- Flood Resistant Designs for River or Coastal Flood Hazard Areas
- Compliance with local Flood Prone Area Regulations
- Compliance with National Flood Insurance Program Standards
- River Analysis and Backwater Studies
- Floodplain Preparedness Plans
- Flood Insurance Rate Map Amendments and Revisions
- Elevation Certificates
- Dock and Seawall Design
- Dredging Planning and Permitting
- Shoreline Protection
- Flooding and Storm Surge Analysis
- Evaluate Projects for Possible Site Points
- Incorporate Green Elements into Site Designs
- Best Management Practices
- Low Impact Development Techniques
- Total Suspended Solids Reduction
- Meeting Regulatory Requirements
- Rainwater Re-use
- Compliance with the DEP Storm Water Quality Manual
- Intersection Improvements
- Roadway Widening
- Drainage and Design Support for State Traffic Commission Certificate Requests
- Municipal and State Road Projects
- Taking and Easement Maps
- Horizontal and Vertical Geometry
- Subdivisions
- Collaboration with Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners
- Feasibility Studies for Open Land
- Soil Testing, Percolation Tests and Deep Pit Tests
- Evaluate Existing System Function
- Design New and Replacement Systems
- Single-Family, Multi-Family, Institutional and Commercial Systems
- Plan Design and Preparation
- Permit Registration
- Compliance Monitoring
- Gravity Sanitary Sewer Collection System Design
- Low-Pressure Sanitary Sewer Collection System Design
- Municipal and Private Pump Station Design
- Coordination and Layout of Telephone, Electric, Cable, Gas, and Water Services
- Probable Construction Cost Analysis
- Earthwork Quantity Calculations
- Value Engineering Recommendations
- Prepare Bid Packages
- Assist with Contractor Selection
- On-site Observation
- Shop Drawing Review
- Request for Information Response
What our clients are saying
Land Surveying
Planning & Zoning
- These are surveys that are often referred to as “A-2 Surveys”
- Property Survey
- Perimeter Survey
- Existing Building Location Survey (commonly called a “plot plan”)
- Zoning Location Survey
- Improvement Location Survey (“As-Built”)
- Subdivision Map
- Easement Map
- ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
- Boundary (Property Line) Stake-Out
- Topographic Survey
- General Location Survey
- Right of Way Survey
- Horizontal Control Survey
- Vertical Control Survey
- Data Accumulation Plan
- Compilation Plan
- Hydrographic Survey
- Construction Stake-Out Services
- Construction Layout & Monitoring
- GPS Services
- Property/Boundary Research and Expert Witness Services
- Average Grade / Grade Plane Analysis
- Wetland Mapping
- Underground Utility Mapping
- Flood Elevation Certificates
- Flood Insurance Rate Map Amendments (LOMA) and Revisions (LOMR)