Redniss & Mead helps you navigate the regulatory permit process for your project, helping you achieve your goals. Whether it’s a local wetland permit or zoning application, a health department permit or zoning appeal, or a state or federal permit, we are with you all the way –behind the scenes preparing your application, and out in front providing expert testimony at public hearings.

Designing Construction Permit Success
We begin with the end in mind: your permit approval and successful project completion. Many permitting issues can be avoided by engineering your project to meet complex rules, which may be administered by overlapping or conflicting boards. Over the years, members of Redniss & Mead have served on local and state land use boards and commissions as well as professional associations and task forces related to land use issues. Our extensive experience enables us to identify regulatory issues early in your project, before you have gone too far down the wrong path. We often can find creative solutions to your permitting challenges by engineering solutions that meet regulators’ needs while giving you the project you want. We take an objective and integrated approach to innovative projects, and manage the process to meet the goals of the community, the neighbors and the environment.
Land Use Permitting Services
Whether your project involves planning and zoning (P&Z), health department, or environmental regulations, we provide permitting services to individual homeowners and developers.
- Site Plan Approvals
- Coastal Area Management Plan Approvals
- Flood Hazard Area / Floodplain Management
- Special Permits
- Zoning Text Amendments
- Zone Changes
- Master Plan Amendments
- Subdivisions
- Variance Requests
- Special Exceptions
- Regulated Activities
- Wetland Permitting
- Septic Systems
- Sewer Systems
- Engineering Departments
- Highway Departments
- Conservation Commissions
- Tree Warden
- Historic District Commissions
- Architectural Review Boards
- Environmental Protection Boards and Wetland Agencies
- Storm Water Registrations
- Coastal Structures, Dredging, and Fill
- Inland Water Resources
- 401 Water Quality Certifications
- Sewage Disposal Systems
- Septic Systems
- Storm Water Discharges in Drinking Supply Watersheds
- Surveying, Layout, and Drainage Support
- Department of Public Utility Control
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- State Environmental Quality Review
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection
- County Health Department
- Letter of Map Revision or Letter of Map Amendment
- Notice of Construction or Alteration
- Wetlands and Waterways pursuant to Section 404 Clean Water Act