The first phase of the Vidal Court revitalization. Westwood will offer one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments in ten buildings. Most will be townhouse style, although one small multifamily building will be included to provide additional lifestyle options. This building will include a fitness room. All buildings will feature exterior and interior finishes, fixtures and appliances comparable to those found in high-quality market rate rental developments in Stamford.
Charter Oak Communities – Westwood
Charter Oak Communities
58 Progress Drive
Stamford, CT
Stamford, CT
Services Provided
Planning and Zoning included Applications for Master Plan and Zone Changes, Text Change, Special Exception and Site Plan approval for this development of 95 new dwelling units with 55 Below Market Rate units. Engineering services currently being provided include engineered plans for construction depicting the design of site grading, drainage, utilities, erosion controls, and coordination with respect to CHFA requirements.