Prepare, submit, present, and generally lead the planning & zoning application process. Our services include coordination with Town Land Use staff, presentation before the Boards, preparing neighbor mailings, as well as coordinating with other Town departments, area representatives, neighbors and other interested parties. Prepare site plans, including grading, utility plans, sediment & erosion control, and Drainage Summary Report for use in securing all local land use permits. We prepare the Flood Study for use in confirming conformance with the Town of Westport Flood Zone Regulations and for use in securing a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) from FEMA for the proposed activities. We lead the application process with the Conservation Commission, Flood & Erosion Control Board and Water Pollution Control Authority. We work with staff and the necessary peer reviewers prior to any application submission and hearing. We coordinate with Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to secure preliminary approval for the proposed improvements. Rendering by EGA Architecture.
LCB Senior Living, Westport
LCB Senior Living
1141 Post Road East
Services Provided
Engineering, surveying and Planning & Zoning